The New York Times & Joyce
A most appropriate perspective on why to access the New Your Times is brought out by Dr.Julie Sloan Brannon, in her Who Reads Ulysses?: The Common Reader and the Rhetoric of the Joyce Wars, and I quote:
"From the introduction of Ulysses to the wider American literary scene through the famous Woolsey decision of 1933, Joyce went from being a peculiar and obscure Irish writer (often alluded to as obscene but, as in the case of most censored writers, rarely actually read) to a major literary giant in a span of less than ten years, and the center of that activity has been in the United States - a country in which Joyce never set foot. "
This was no obstacle because the US noticed him and The New York Times issued an amazing review of Ulysses long before it became available there, back in 1922, long before his works became edited anywhere..
The newspaper itself is a daily testimony of what is going on and for example, the James Joyce obituary is in itself an evidence of why they should be heard. It has also one of the best, if not the best, book reviews in the US and in the English speaking world and it falls very close to literary criticism, what obviously is not expected within its articles and in any newspaper.
These references are used here extensively.
Although this job goes kind of the opposite direction of so the called "social networks", it should be interesting to notice a perspective on that by The New York Times
There is an odd similarity between Joyce and Freud when it comes the US: both were not recognized at home and after the American public took notice, they became what they are.