James A. W. Heffernan, Ph.D.

Professor of English, Dartmouth College

James A. W. Heffernan, Professor of English and Frederick Sessions Beebe '35 Professor in the Art of Writing at Dartmouth College, earned his A.B. cum laude from Georgetown University in 1960. With the aid of a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, he then went on to Princeton University, where he earned his Ph.D. in English in 1964. After teaching briefly at the University of Virginia, he joined the Dartmouth faculty in 1965. He chaired the Dartmouth English Department from 1978 to 1981 and has taught a range of courses there, including European Romanticism, English Romantic poetry, Methods of Literary Criticism, and the Nineteenth-Century English Novel. Since 1989, he has also taught a senior seminar on Joyce's Ulysses that is regularly oversubscribed.
Professor Heffernan has received five grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. In 1984, he directed an NEH-sponsored conference on Literature and the Visual Arts that led him to edit a book:
Space, Time, Image, Text. Essays on Literature and the Visual Arts (1987). In 1989, he directed another NEH-sponsored conference on the French Revolution that also led him to edit a book: Representing the French Revolution: Literature, Historiography, and Art(1992). In addition, the professor directed two NEH-sponsored summer seminars for college teachers on literature and art in 1987 and 1989. In 1991, he held an NEH fellowship for a project that led to a book wholly his own:
Museum of Words: The Poetics of Ekphrasis from Homer lo Ashbery(1993).
Professor Heffernan's other books include Wordsworth's Theory of Poetry (1969), The Re-Creation of Landscape: A Study of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Constable, and Turner (1985), and (as co-author) Writing. A College Handbook, now in its fifth edition. He also published nearly fifty articles on topics ranging from English Romantic poetry to the art of David Hockney.
Widely known for his work on the relation between literature and visual art, Professor Heffernan has lectured at international conferences in Israel, Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Holland, and Germany, as well as in various parts of the United States.
The professor's hobbies include dramatic reading. In recent years, he has organized and participated in bench readings of contemporary plays, including Michael Frayn's Copenhagen. And for the past two years, he has celebrated Joyce's birthday (February 2) by reading excerpts from Ulysses at a specially arranged dinner.

Curso sobre Ulysses

Podemos ver a Introdução no You tube

Infelizmente no Youtube esta confuso. Parece que teria o curso, mas não é possível pescar uma seqüência que faça sentido. Tenho os DVD's que estão ás ordens para quem quiser vê-los. Quem quiser comprá-los, não se assuste com o preço de lista, pois consegui meu jogo por 29 dólares. Está organizado da seguinte maneira:


This series of lectures will examine in detail James Joyce's landmark novel Ulysses. After considering the controversies it provoked when it first appeared and the reasons for which it has come to be known as a major contribution to twentieth-century literature, the lectures will show how Joyce's novel recalls and at the same time radically reconstructs the adventures of Ulysses, the protagonist of Homer' s ancient epic called The Odyssey. Joyce's three principal characters are modeled on leading figures in Homer's poem. Ulysses-king of Ithaca, mastermind of the Greek war against Troy, heroic voyager, and merciless slayer of the suitors who besieged his wife during his long absence-is reincarnated as Leopold Bloom, a middle-aged Dubliner of Hungarian Jewish extraction who sells advertising space for a living. Ulysses's son Telemachus, who sets out to seek his long-absent father at the beginning of The Odyssey, is reincarnated as Stephen Dedalus, a fictionalized version of Joyce's younger self-a brilliant and restless young man who yearns to write but seems destined to drown in drink and dissipation. Penelope, the supremely faithful wife of Ulysses, is reincarnated as Molly, the adulterous wife of Leopold Bloom.

This extraordinarily ambitious project raises challenging questions. How can the exploits of an ancient warrior king and heroic voyager be reenacted by a pacifist who has scarcely ever been to sea and who tolerates his wife's adultery, taking no revenge on her lover? How can Telemachus be reborn in Stephen who has absolutely no wish to see his father at all? And how can the role of a supremely faithful wife be played by an adulteress?

In pursuit of answers to these questions, this course will devote at least one lecture to each of the eighteen chapters of Ulysses. The lectures will also show how each chapter recalls and rewrites a particular episode of The Odyssey-an episode that gives each chapter its title, starting with "Telemachus" (chapter 1). At the same time, the course will show how Joyce replays Homer's ancient song in an unmistakably modern rhythm and key. We will see that Joyce's Ulysses is the work of a man steeped in Homer, steeped in Shakespeare, steeped in Dante, steeped in the whole history of Western literature, but at the same time, totally aware of his place in time and determined to catch in every possible way the world of the early twentieth century. With respect to time, the pacifism of his hero reflects the fact that Joyce wrote this novel during the bloodiest war that had ever been fought-the First World War. With respect to place, the novel is set in the city of Dublin, which Joyce re-creates with extraordinary thoroughness and vitality. As Bloom travels through Dublin during the course of a single day, June 16, 1904 ("Bloomsday"), we will see how he reenacts the adventures ofUlysses. We will also consider the amazing variety of styles with which the novel tells his story and the multiplicity of viewpoints from which he is seen.

Most of the eighteen chapters of Ulysses will get one lecture each. Because of its complex treatment of Stephen's response to Shakespeare, "Scylla and Charybdis" (chapter 9) will get two lectures; two lectures are also devoted to each of three other chapters because of their density and length:
"Cyclops" (chapter 12), "Circe" (chapter 15), and "Ithaca" (chapter 17). The course will seek to show not only how individual chapters recall episodes of Homer's epic, but also how the overall shape of Joyce's novel recalls the shape of the epic. Chapters 1-3, which tell how Stephen Dedalus begins his day, make up a "Telemachiad" that recalls the setting out of Telemachus in the opening books of The Odyssey; chapters 4-15, which chiefly focus on the wanderings of Bloom, recall the central section of The Odyssey-the voyaging of Ulysses; and chapters 16-18, which tell how Bloom and Stephen come together and go to Bloom's house, reenact the homecoming of Ulysses in the latter part of The Odyssey.

The final lecture will review the novel as a whole and show how radically Ulysses departs from the novels that came before it, how it fundamentality reconstructs the relation between time and place in narrative, and how it explodes the assumption that a fictional narrative must be dominated by a consistent point of view.


O curso é composto de 24 aulas que eventualmente serão usadas de alguma forma e encaixadas em cada um dos 18 episódios do Ulysses de James Joyce e onde faça sentido fazê-lo.

Sempre que possivel, a visualização, ou os aspectos visuais, serão enfatizados ou utilizados para "ver" e enxergar o que James Joyce pretendeu. A principal caracteristica da obra do Prof Heffernan é Literatura e Artes Visuais, que é tambem a principal caracteristica deste trabalho, ao menos naquilo que me toca, se isto for virar um projeto de várias pessoas.

Parte Episodio de Ulysses de Homero adotado No. da pag. conforme a vintage Edition 1961 (brackets [n])
I -Telemachiade Episodio 1 - Telemachus 01 - 23
Episodio 2 - Nestor 24 - 36
Episodio 3 - Proteus 37 - 51
II - Odisseia Episodio 4 - Calypso 54 - 70
  Episodio 5 - Comedores de Lotus 71 - 86
  Episodio 6 - Hades 87 - 115
  Episodio 7- Aeolus 116 - 150
  Episodio 8 Laestrygonians 151 - 183
  Episodio 9 - Cila e Caribdis 184 - 218
  Episodio 10 - Rochas Errantes 219 - 255
  Episodio 11 - Sereias 256 - 291
  Episodio 12 - Ciclopes 292 - 345
  Episodio 13 - Nausicaa 346 - 382
  Episodio 14 - Bois do Sol 383 - 428
  Episodio 15 - Circe 429 - 609
III - Nostros Episodio 16 -Eumaeus 612 - 665
  Episodio 17 - Itaca 666 - 737
  Episodio 18 - Penelope 738 - 782

Schema do Prof. Heffernan

Odisséia de Homero Capitulos do Ulysses de James Joyce
I - Telemacus, em Ithaca com os pretendentes é pressionado para procurar seu pai 1 - "Telemacus" Stephen Dedalus toma seu café da manhã com Mulligan e Haines na Martello Tower, e sai para trabalhar
II - Telemachus parte com Atenas 2 - "Nestor." Stepen dá sua aula a Kalkey School; recebe seu pagamento e "seria" um bom conselho de Mr. Deasy, o diretor
III - Telemachus visita Nestor  
IV- Telemachus visita Menelau enquanto que os pretendentes montam emboscadas para ele. 3 - "Proteus". Stephen no Sandymount Strand
V - Odysseus deixa Calypso; naufragado em uma balsa 4 - "Calypso" Leopold Bloom junto com Molly: ele sai para comprar rins de porco e volta
VI - Odisseu encontra-se com Nausicaa, princesa dos Phaiakias 5 - "Comedores de Lotus". Bloom recebe a carta com flores de Martha Clifford, compra loção para Molly na drogaria e pensa em tomar um banho
VII - Odisseu é recebido hospitaleiramente por Alkinous e Arete, rei e rainha dos Phaiakians 6 - "Hades". Bloom vai ao funeral de Paddy Dignam.
VIII - Odisseu vai aos jogos; banhado e festejado, ele é convidado para identificar-se e contar as historia de suas aventuara desde a queda de Troia 7 - "Aeolus." Bloom e Stephen vão a um escritorio de um jornal mas não se encontram propriamente
IX - Odisseu conta suas batalhas com os Kikonians, sua estadia com os comedores de Lotus e como caiu na armadilha da Caverna de Ciclops 8 - "Lestrygonians." Bloom almoça num pub e vai apreciar as estatuas das deusas no Museu Nacional.
X - Odisseu conta sobre Aeolus, deus dos ventos, os Lestrygonians, comedores de homens e a enfeitçadora Circe 9 - "Scylla e Caribidis." Stephen explica sua teoria de Hamlet na Biblioteca nacional, onde Bloom aparece brevemente
XI - Odisseu conta sua visita a Hades (deus do mundo das trevas) voltando então para Circe para enterrar Elpenor 10 - "Rochas Errantes." Bloom e Stephen vagueiam através de Dublin entre muitos outros personagens, mas ainda não se encontram
XII - Odisseu conta sobre as sereias, Scylla e Caribdis, Helios (deus sol); com seu ultimo navio perdido, ele é salvo por Calipso. As hisotiras de Odisseu terminam 11 - "Sereias." Bloom janta no restaurante do Ormond Hotel e escuta as garçonetes cantando e varios clientes, incluindo Simon Dedalus (pai de Stehen).
XIII - Os Phaiakians levam Odisseu para Itaca. 12 - "Ciclops." Bloom confronta o cidadão bêbado no pub.
XIV - Odisseu é recebido hospitaleiramente por Eumaios, seu nobre guardador de porcos. 13 - "Nausicaa." Bloom flerta Gertyk McDowell no Sandymoutn Strand e masturba.
XV - Telemachus deixa Sparta e fugindo de uma emboscada, chega em Ithaca. 14 - "Bois do Sol." Bloom visita o Hospital Maternidade Nacional, onde Mina Purefoy dá a luz a um garoto. Bloom e Stephen conversam um pouco no meio de uma multidão barulhenta de jovens bêbados
XVI - Telemachus visita Eumaios; Odisseu revela sua identidade para Telemachus. 15 - "Circe." Bloom segue Stephen até Nighttown, o distrito de prostituição de Dublin, onde Stephen gasta quase todo seu dinheiro, se mete em confuisão com dois soldados e é salvo por Bloom.
XVII - Telemachus volta para casa, disfarçado como um mendigo, Odisseu tambem volta com Eumaios. 16 - "Eumaeus." Stephen e Bloom conversam no esconderijo do cocheiro.
XVIII - Odisseu açoita o mendigo que o provoca com força. 17 - "Ithaca." Bloom e Stephen vão à casa de Bloom. Stephen não aceita o convite de Bloom para passar a noite lá. Bloom vai para a cama com Molly e percebe evidências de seu aldultério, que ele aceita "com equanimidade."
XIX - Odisseu e Penelope se encontram; Penelope planeja o teste do arco para saber a identidade do estrangeiro. 18 - "Penelope." Na cama, Molly revê sua vida e seus amores, concluindo com sua lembrança da proposta de casamento de Bloom e sua resposta aceitando.
XX - Todos os participantes do duelo juntam-se na casa de Odisseu.  
XXI - Odisseu vence o teste do arco.  
XXII - Odisseu mata os pretendentes e pune as criadas que se envolveram com eles.  
XXIII - Penelope reconhece Odisseu e os dois voltam a ficar juntos; Odisseu vai para a fazenda do seu pai Laertes.  
XXIV - Odisseu se revela para Laertes; os pretendentes são enterrados; vingança é feita contra os parentes dos pretendentes por Odisseu e seus parceiros; Atena impõe paz